Effect of Time of Sowing And Plant Spacing on Broccoli Production

Hossain MF, Ara N, Uddin MR, Dey S and Islam MR

Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh


A field experiment was conducted at Agricultural Research Station, BARI, Thakurgaon during rabi season, 2009/10 to find out the optimum time of sowing and plant spacing on broccoli production. Three sowing time viz. (i) 1 October, (ii) 15 October and (iii) 30 October and three plant spacing viz. (i) 60 x 40cm, (ii) 60 x 50cm and (iii) 60 x 60cm were included in the study. Yield and yield contributing characters were significantly influenced by the treatments. 1 October sowing produced the highest yield (21.39 t/ha) and 30 October sowing produced the lowest yield (13.6t/ha) of broccoli. On the other hand, closer spacing (60 x 40cm) produced the highest yield (18.8t/ha) which was statistically similar to 60 x 50cm (17.6t/ha) and lowest yield (16t/ha) was obtained from 60 x 60 cm spacing. 1 October sowing and 60 x 40cm plant spacing combination produced the highest yield (22.5t/ha) which was statistically similar to 1 October sowing and 60 x 50cm plant spacing (21.9t/ha) and the lowest yield (12.8t/ha) was produced from 30 October sowing and 60 x 60cm plant spacing combination.

Key words: Broccoli Production, Planting Time and Spacing, Cruciferacea

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Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Mapalana, Kamburupitiya, Sri Lanka

Copyright © 2007 by the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna

Print ISSN 1391-3646 Online ISSN 2386-1533